You know...we have found that with the announcement of the blessing of a new baby to our family, each time we get more and more of the same questions! So, I thought it might be appropriate to answer some of the most popular ones for the masses...just for kicks! And, YES, people actually do ask this stuff!
1. We do, indeed, know what technically causes this. We choose to see children as a blessing and not a curse.
2. Yes we do like sports, although we are not intending to build a specific ball team. And, yes, we do know that we already have enough children to form some sporting teams.
3. WE ARE STILL ADOPTING! Nothing about where God is leading us has changed.
4. Yes, we know that that will give us a total of 8 children at that point.
5. No, we are not trying to be like Jon and Kate plus Eight or the Duggars...19 Kids and Counting.
6. Yes, we do realize that eventually we will have to up-size our vehicle. No, it probably will not be a school bus.
7. No, we are not Catholic, Mormon or Jewish. We are Protestant.
8. No, we do not have the patience of Job. His walk was uncomparatively more difficult than ours.
9. Yes, we do, indeed, love children.
10. No, we are neither Super Man/Dad nor Super Woman/Mom. We know, as with every family, certain hardships come. It is not always easy, but we choose to make necessary sacrifices in order to alleviate the ones that we can. There also comes great joys and triumphs. We celebrate those. We have great faith in our God who never fails us. In trying to conform to the image of Christ, He makes room for each new believer in His kingdom. We will make room for any children He sends.
11. No we are not crazy, insane, or gluttons for punishment. We view our children as the blessings that they are. We are all called to different walks in life. We do not pass judgement that your walk looks different than ours. In the body of Christ, we cannot all be eyes, we cannot all be hands, or we cannot all be feet. We know without doubt that God has set this path before us and He will continue to provide for our every need.That may be considered radical. If so, I'm down with that.
12. And finally, we do PLAN to welcome with open arms, any blessing that God chooses to bestow upon us. However, we do not frequently pull out our planners and pencil in these kinds of events. We trust that God's timing is far better than ours. His thoughts are not our thoughts and His ways are not our ways. (Isa. 55:8-9)
We are delighted and encouraged by all of the well wishes and congratulatory comments we have received from family, friends and loved ones. It keeps our spirits lifted, even when those around us choose to persecute what we believe. It is not as easy as it looks sometimes, but we know without doubt, it is worth it.
"Finally brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is
just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable--if
there is any moral excellence and if there is any praise--dwell on these
things." Phil. 4:8